Tempe has seen continued growth even as many cities have struggled post-pandemic, especially in the restaurant, retail, and hospitality sectors. FOX10 Phoenix interviewed Colin Diaz, president, and CEO of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce and ASU’s CFO, Morgan Olsen to discuss why. They explain the overall economic impact a development like Novus Innovation Corridor has on the community when partnerships with ASU are leveraged.
“It creates that place for the university to collaborate with the rest of the world,” said Morgan Olsen Chief Financial Officer at ASU.
“Over the full course of development here at Novus, we’re going to add about 40,000 permanent jobs for people in the Valley and have an economic impact approaching $2 billion annually. So, it’s a big deal, Olsen said.
We are so excited for all that is to come to Novus in the coming months!